I'm currently a part-time Designer for 321DataPro, and a full-time student at Wilfrid Laurier University majoring in User Experience Design. For a while, I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do professionally. I didn't like the idea of going to school just to go to school, so after graduating highschool I decided to work in Banff, Alberta to experience something new while trying to discover my professional passions.

I worked there for a few seasons, and in my last season I discovered the art of user experience design. I'm now going into my third year as a student, and I'm hoping to work on projects that are extremely people-centric before and after graduation.


I'm passionate about urban design and communities, education, videogames, sports, and small-scale farming! If you're interested in learning more (or want to know how my hyrdoponic system is going), please feel free to contact me.

designed in figma, published in framer